Galería de Tours

Descubre los mejores tours a pie en ciudades icónicas.

Tour en Brugge
Tour en Brugge
Muelle del Rosario
Muelle del Rosario
A lively street scene features a variety of tourists walking and exploring. The architecture is styled with medieval European elements, including stone facades, pointed roofs, and decorative wooden beams. Several people are taking photos, while others are pushing strollers or chatting. Trees and lampposts line the street under a bright, partly cloudy sky.
A lively street scene features a variety of tourists walking and exploring. The architecture is styled with medieval European elements, including stone facades, pointed roofs, and decorative wooden beams. Several people are taking photos, while others are pushing strollers or chatting. Trees and lampposts line the street under a bright, partly cloudy sky.


Ofrecemos tours a pie en ciudades icónicas del mundo.

A man with a backpack walks along a canal in a historic city with narrow streets and colorful buildings. Others are also seen strolling along the path lined with a railing. A small boat is moored in the canal, and a stone bridge can be seen in the background connecting the two sides of the canal.
A man with a backpack walks along a canal in a historic city with narrow streets and colorful buildings. Others are also seen strolling along the path lined with a railing. A small boat is moored in the canal, and a stone bridge can be seen in the background connecting the two sides of the canal.
Tours en París

Descubre la magia de París con nuestros tours a pie, visitando la Torre Eiffel y otros lugares emblemáticos que te dejarán sin aliento y llenos de historia y cultura.

A group of people is walking down a cobblestone street lined with various shops and signs. They wear casual clothing and carry bags. One individual on the left is seated on a scooter. The setting appears urban and slightly worn with a historic charm.
A group of people is walking down a cobblestone street lined with various shops and signs. They wear casual clothing and carry bags. One individual on the left is seated on a scooter. The setting appears urban and slightly worn with a historic charm.
Tours en Roma

Explora la historia antigua de Roma con nuestros tours a pie, donde podrás admirar el Coliseo y otros monumentos icónicos, mientras aprendes sobre la rica cultura de la ciudad.